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collage photo blanket

Collage Blanket

Page 24 Reviews of Photo Collage Blanket

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  • testimonials
    I was really excited to get my photo blanket to give to my grandma as a gift. My order came so quickly, I was so impressed. And I was even more impressed with the QUALITY of the blanket. The pictures were so clear and the blanket so soft. My grandma was extremely happy and I got the "best gift of the night" award. This gift was the best gift I have ever given.

  • testimonials
    Amazing service. Ordered Sunday night and arrived Tuesday. Fast delivery and superb quality. The perfect Christmas present for those who have everything. Thank you.

  • testimonials
    Oh my gosh! Incredibly fast turn around time and an absolutely amazing product at an incredible price. I rarely if ever write reviews of products I purchase or websites I have dealings with, but this business has earned my loyalty and respect and deserves every accolade. I can't say enough positive things about the blanket I purchased. It's absolutely perfect and my son will love it.

  • testimonials
    This is my second blanket that i have purchased for a coworker. Everytime i show the blanket to someone there are impressed and ask where i purchased it. Will be getting more for sure!

  • testimonials
    It was beautiful. I accidentally doubled a few pictures but it was still wonderful. Thank you so much. I made it for a friend who's mom is dying to let her know her church family was always with her.

  • testimonials
    Great, fast delivery and great quality. Amazing customer service. Would suggest that you add Australian dollar currency to eliminate confusion for us Aussies :) Thankyou

  • testimonials
    I am really happy with the product and the person recieving the gift as overwhelmed with joy. I enjoyed the fact that there is someone that can help you or an email address that works and my questions are answered almost right away! time difference!! The quality of the blanket is super, and the person recieving the blanket that she was making everyone jealous but at the same time promoting the company. I had 5 people ask me where I ordered the blanket from!!

  • testimonials
    The blanket I ordered was absolutely perfect. The image quality speed of receiving it in the quality of the blanket surpassed my expectations !! Thank you so much

  • testimonials
    I love the blanket!!! I thought it would be a little bit bigger.... :( bit I love it!!amazing picture quality and very soft!

  • testimonials
    The website, designing and amount of time to receive product all excellent.